Sunday, August 18, 2013

all good things: history and more heartwarming things

1. Song of the week: London Calling by The Clash. For some reason I've been hankering to listen to London Calling by The Clash this week. It's a completely random urge since I don't normally listen to The Clash.

2. Visiting friends! A friend from St. Olaf just moved to New York for grad school, and she came down to hang out for a weekend. It was really good to see her and get to talk about lots of interesting things. And an excuse to go to all the cool places there are to go to around here, and get people that I like together.

3. Old New Castle. I'm sure this one has made the list before, because I love Old New Castle. (It's also known as Historic New Castle, but I like the contradiction of "old new" right next to each other.) I also like the tours and the museums and just walking up and down the cobbled streets... I could take the old courthouse tour a hundred times (and I'm already well on my way). I like walking past this huge purple house that was up for sale a few months ago, and has since been taken off the market, but I still gaze at forlornly every time I walk past. And I always leave feeling more relaxed than I do at any other time.

4. Baking soda, tin foil, and hot water. We found a few pieces of really tarnished silverware, and discovered that if you line a pan with aluminum foil, set the silverware in there, sprinkle baking soda over it, cover it in warm water, and let it sit, the change is pretty impressive.

5. Puppies and babies. Separately, these things are both really cute. Together, they are unstoppably adorable. I'm not even a big dog person, but today at family dinner there was a new puppy who is SO CUTE and rambunctious... AND a baby that, as we have already determined, is endlessly charming, captivating, and the apple of everyone's eye. Is "too much cute to go around" even a thing? Because if it is, we achieved it today.

6. Someone bringing treats to work! I absolutely love walking into the break room at work and finding some type of treats in the break room. Last week there was a meeting in our building that had an entire tray of leftover desserts! It made my entire day. Nothing like an unexpected brownie, cookie, or bar to make your afternoon go by more quickly.

7. I've been working at my job for a little over a year now, and I got certificate from my boss the other day. It honors my "1 year of service changing lives and communities." Sometimes it can feel like no one notices or appreciates the things I do at work, so little things like a certificate really brighten my day!

8. Bunnies! My friend Kristy is moving out to Massachusetts which is really sad. But until her boyfriend, Mitch, gets back from moving her out there Luke and I get to watch her bunny, Noah! He's chocolate brown and super cute. We're learning his likes and dislikes. Likes: carrots, apples, head scratches, hiding under the coffee table. Dislikes: being picked up, loud apartment noises (slamming doors,etc), and going to bed at night. I want to keep him forever!

9. The National. Luke and I saw them in concert last week, and they were fantastic as always. They played at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium which has the worst acoustics in the world, but they still managed to be so great! At one point the lead singer hopped off the stage with his mic and sang a song while walking through the crowd. Such a lovely time!

10. Writing thank you's. I've been having some bridal showers lately, and my friends and family are so incredibly generous. Writing thank you's to them after the shower I get to really think about how grateful I am to each person and take a moment to explain why I feel so lucky to have that person in my life. When I first start writing thank you's I always feel like it's a chore, but by the end I'm feeling so overwhelmed and happy to have these people in my life!

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