Monday, July 29, 2013

all good things: simple pleasures and beautiful things

1. Song of the week: Let It Go by the Zac Brown Band. This song came up in my Spotify playlist called "feelgoodjams." (Are y'all surprised to hear that I have this playlist?) It seemed fitting this week. "Like the fear that grabs ahold ya / Let it go." "Save your strength for things that you can change / Forget the ones you can't / You gotta let it go."

2. One night this week Katy, Jason and I were eating dinner at the kitchen table and heard some weird noises coming from the front of the house. We were understandably a bit spooked, but instead of freaking out we each grabbed a random houehold item (steak knife, ShakeWeight, chopsticks) and did a sweep of the house to make sure there were no intruders. Like group therapy, only... Funnier.

3. Luke and I picked up some coffee last night and went for a drive while listening to 80s music. We had a blast and it was so relaxing!

4. Play-Doh! I bought some the other day and have spent so much time playing with it. I forgot how nice it is to create. Another relaxing and fun activity.

5. Humphrey Bogart movies. This week I've watched a few of his films again that I haven't seen in a while: To Have and Have Not, The Big Sleep, and Key Largo. The dialogue is so wonderful, and Bogie is always so handsome and rugged :)

6. MN weather this weekend! It's been really autumnal here. The daily high is around 70, and it's been such a lovely weekend! Perfect for outdoor activities.

7. Babies! J's niece is starting to make noises and really react to her environment, and she is SO. CUTE. Also a really cool dad with a stroller decked out in glow sticks at the Electric Run last Saturday.

8. Instagram. I know, typical of me, the social media behaviorist, to include a platform on the good things list. But let me tell you that it is the only one I want to check and update when I'm not working. I find it beautiful and simple and expressive in a totally different way from anything else I've ever seen. And mainly, it's fun and it's cathartic, both to post and to scroll through the news feed. Check me out @claradetierra.

9. This bluetooth keyboard I am using to update the blog from my phone! So cool. A coworker-friend picked it up and gave it to me this week and already it is 100 times faster and easier to type and to update. Plus it is thin and compact.

10. Kitchen and home goods stores. I feel so boring and grown up, but this is where I spend the most time and money shopping these days. Today Jason and I went to Bed Bath and Beyond looking for a spice rack and a few other things, and of course had way too much fun comparison shopping and making lists of things we would want in our over-extravagant dream life. (The glamorized $350 Margaritaville-branded blender, for example.)

Here's to a peaceful week for all of us, dear readers. No matter what happens, though, you can count on a full list of 10 good things next week!

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