Sunday, December 29, 2013

all good things: holiday sparknotes edition

Since I'm in transit tonight, and since it has been a week of widespread celebrations, I'm going to do the List a little differently. A song, a photo, a holiday, a party, and a challenge for you, readers, as we get ready for a new year this week.

Song of the week: Timber by Pitbull and Ke$ha. The pump-up anthem in the bride's room before yesterday's wedding. Also what kept me from getting motion sick during landing on the homebound flights. This short video in particular makes me smile every time.

A wedding! As you may have guessed by the mention of the bride, there was a long-anticipated wedding this weekend! The couple brought a lot of incredible people together for a few days of wonderfully intense eating, drinking, and being merry/married (har har)... And to be witness to an incredible event for two people we love with all our hearts.

Christmas! This has been a cause for celebration all over the world this week. Families gathered, shared food and gifts and quality time together, and people spread happy holiday feelings all week long! Plus, my dad played a part in a real-life modern day Christmas story this week, which I hope to share when I get back to my same-old.

...And a beautiful photo to say goodnight! Taken just before landing in Atlanta on our way home:

Thanks for tuning in this week. Share your good things and stories in the comments. Make the most of what's left of this year, make some good resolutions, do the celebration justice, and I'll see you in 2014!

posted from Bloggeroid

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